European style wedding

European style wedding

European-style weddings are increasingly attracting newlyweds who are tired of classic Russian festivities. Characteristic features of the European holiday is a unique atmosphere, impeccability in everything, a combination of elegance and style. It allows the loving couple to realize all the ideas and organize the wedding of their dreams, which will be talked about for a long time.


It is best to hold the holiday outdoors — the territory of a luxurious restaurant, country house or cottage. The second option — under a large tent, which will be located in the forest, park, on the shore of a lake or river. The more nature is present at the wedding, the better. If financial possibilities allow, it is worth renting a yacht or a motor ship. In winter, a European wedding is held in a luxurious banquet hall.

Свадьба в европейском стиле
Свадьба в европейском стиле


They are made using expensive light-colored monochrome paper with beautiful fonts. A lot of original variants are offered by specialized stores. Invitations made of kraft paper with a geometric pattern look beautiful. They are sent 2-3 months before the day of the wedding celebration.

To thank relatives for the fact that they will share happiness with the young, it is customary to give small gifts:

  • Shaped candles.
  • Handmade soaps.
  • Candy boxes.
  • Natural essential oils.
  • Jars with honey or marmalade.
Свадьба в европейском стиле
Свадьба в европейском стиле


European weddings are characterized by elegance and restraint in everything. As a basis, one light shade is used, for example, milky or beige, which is diluted with another saturated color (blue, green, purple, red). In the hall there are always a lot of live bouquets, which symbolize the birth of a young family. Garlands of fresh or artificial flowers are used to decorate the walls and the arch.

In European countries it is not customary to seat guests at one or two large tables. As a rule, the place of each of them is indicated on the seating plates. In the banquet hall there are small tables for 6-8 people who know each other well and have something in common: age, interests, status. The table of the newlyweds is on an elevated position opposite the invited guests.

In the banquet hall there are candles, garlands of lights and luxurious chandeliers. Tables and chairs are decorated with satin ribbons, fresh flowers. The hall looks as beautiful, elegant and refined as possible.

At a European wedding there is no signing in the registry office, stealing the bride, toastmaster, accordionist, karavay, many Russian traditions. This should be taken into account before organizing a holiday.

The image of the bride and groom

The bride at a European-style wedding outshines everyone with her beauty. A chic white dress with a long veil in the floor, decorated with beads, pearls, rhinestones or precious stones is ideal for her. To create an elegant image will suit exquisite jewelry, stiletto shoes and a stylish bouquet.

The groom often wears a classic black tuxedo or suit with a white shirt, tie or bow tie. To complete the image will help cufflinks, expensive watches and lacquered shoes.

Свадьба в европейском стиле
Свадьба в европейском стиле

Guest dress code

In Russia, one witness and a witness are chosen, while in Europe there are many. All bridesmaids wear dresses of the same color and style, which they choose in advance. Friends of the groom should look stylish and rich. Classic white shirts and dark jackets, vests are suitable for them. Accessories choose the same color as the outfits of the girlfriends.



Wedding planner Aleksandra Momot (EN, RU)
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