A wedding in the forest style is a magical, tender, unforgettable celebration, which will be talked about by relatives and friends for a long time. Such a theme of the celebration will appeal to newlyweds who love picturesque corners of nature, fresh air, the smell of greenery, birdsong. Such idyll will be a wonderful addition to the wedding, which will be the first step on the way to a happy family life.
It is easy to complement the riot of colors of the forest with the help of decor. The palette can be based on shades of fruits and berries, for example, strawberry-red, orange-orange, grape-burgundy, lemon-yellow, blueberry-violet and others. Such juicy colors will make the party stylish and bright.
In the wedding polygraphy of forest style should be dominated by natural and natural shades that occur in nature: brown, green, white, blue, yellow, orange. Invitations should be made of natural materials: paper, wood, glass. Appropriate will be images of animals and plants. Invitations can be simple in the form of a card or creative — in the form of a scroll, which is located inside a decorative box. Wood invitations with carvings, inscriptions, wedding date and plant elements look gorgeous.
The style of the wedding suggests that the celebration will be held in the forest. This is an ideal place, which should be prepared in advance. Here you need to install a tent, decorate the area, decorate the arch under which the newlyweds will sign. If the festive dinner will be held inside the tent, it is necessary to prepare warm plaids in case the guests will be cold. It is also worth thinking in advance about recreation and entertainment areas. For example, it can be archery, a competition for the best drawing or dance.
The second option is a restaurant near the forest. As a rule, reputable establishments have a well-groomed territory with nightlights, green lawn, fresh flowers, areas for rest. It is worth looking at establishments near the forest in advance to have time to rent it for the desired date.
Anything found in nature is used to decorate the banquet hall:
To decorate the room, lamps made of natural materials (rods, stones, wood, clay), colored paper pom-poms, colored compositions in wicker baskets are used. Candles are hung on trees, which at night create an incredible atmosphere of romance and warmth.
For a forest wedding, a rustic dress is ideal. Straight styles of light flowing fabrics with simple lace trim look good. From lush expensive outfits should be abandoned, as they do not correspond to the theme of the wedding. To emphasize the forest style, it is worth using such details as:
A light, casual hairstyle is welcome. Braids and «hastily made» buns look beautiful. Makeup is gentle, light, natural. You can emphasize the eyes with green or brown shadows. If there are saturated colors in the decor, it is worth using a bright lipstick in the same color.
The groom at a forest wedding looks stylish and at the same time simple, but tasteful. For him, a denim or white shirt, a leather vest, a hat and a tie of bright color will be suitable. The choice of shoes is almost unlimited. Heavy lace-up boots, cowboy boots or classic shoes will go well.
Girlfriends wear dresses made in the same style, a few tones lighter or darker than the wedding dress. The image will complement floral wreaths and jewelry made of natural materials. Men will suit classic pants or jeans, light or solid-colored shirts with a vest or suspenders. If there will be children at the wedding, they can wear costumes of forest dwellers — elves, fairies, gnomes and other fairy tale creatures.
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