Marriage registration in Spain

Актуальная информация по поводу проведения свадеб и возможности зарегистрировать брак за границей


Marriage registration in Spain

Getting married in Spain

Spain is the country of passion and love. Summer, sea, breeze, Spanish guitar — what can be more romantic?

Many newlyweds dream of getting married in Spain on the seashore. When the bride in a wreath of flowers walks along the sand to meet her groom.

Can Russian citizens get married in Spain?

Yes, they can, but with the obligatory condition that one of the newlyweds must have residency in Spain. And the marriage procedure itself will take place within the walls of the Russian Embassy.

What documents do I need to get married in Spain?

-Russian passports


-confirmation of residency in Spain for the last two years

It is important that if it is a mixed marriage between citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners, registration at the embassy is not possible.

How long does it take to register a marriage in Spain?

You can apply to the Embassy just as in Russia, at least one month in advance.

If you get married in the registry offices of Spain, the preparation and verification of documents can take from a few weeks to several months or years. It all depends on the particular place where you decide to get married and the list of documents for the registry office.

Is it possible to do an exit registration in Spain?

Marriage registration in Spain can take place at a registry office or at the town hall. If the registration takes place in the registry office, only witnesses are present with the newlyweds. If the newlyweds want a more solemn registration, then they will choose the City Hall.

How much is a symbolic wedding marriage ceremony in Spain?

If you only want to do the ceremony in Spain, we can offer a symbolic wedding ceremony.

The cost of a symbolic marriage registration starts from 15,000 euros.

This price includes:

Photographer up to 4 hours

Videographer up to 4 hours

Make-up artist and hairdresser

Host of the ceremony


Musical accompaniment

Additionally paid:

Place for the ceremony

Decor and floristics


If it is important for you to get officially married on a fabulous coast, we suggest you to consider the option of official marriage registration in the following countries:

Montenegro, Italy, Portugal




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