Sri Lanka is a wonderful island country where couples in love from Europe and America come. More and more often newlyweds from Russia choose this paradise to say «Yes!» to one of the most important questions in life. If you try to describe Sri Lanka in one sentence, you will get the following — the extraordinary nature of the tropics and friendly people. There is an interesting legend associated with the island, according to which the picturesque corner is called «pious land», there is a belief that the union concluded in Sri Lanka will be long, happy and strong.


Unique Lankan wedding ceremony.


A celebration in Sri Lanka is more like a magical journey, because the ceremony is conducted according to local traditions. At the request of the newlyweds, they are given national, festive clothes and elephants take part in the event.

It is important! Quite often Europeans, wishing to plunge into exoticism and luxury, choose a wedding in Buddhist style. Such a ceremony delights reserved Europeans with lavishness and colorfulness.

Events in Sri Lanka are usually held outdoors, for this purpose hotels have a specially decorated place decorated with palm leaves and exotic flowers.