Wedding is not only a celebration for the newlyweds, but it is also a great occasion to meet with relatives, friends, colleagues. Therefore, everyone wants it to be a fun, memorable holiday.


Spring is a romantic, sunny, joyful time of year. Nature is gradually waking up from winter sleep. The first leaves appear, the first flowers bloom. This time of year is great for weddings.


Wedding in the spring has a number of advantages, as well as a number of disadvantages.


March is winter cold and unpredictable month. There are no queues in the registry office and there is an opportunity to pick a convenient date for you to hold the event. At this time is still free most cafes and restaurants and many of them are ready to provide discounts. Prices for the services of wedding agencies, photographers and musicians are significantly reduced. The beginning of spring is the time of Lent. In this period you can not get married and you need to take care of the Lenten menu for fasting guests.


In April the sun begins to shine brighter and the day is noticeably added. Nature in April can please with warmth, and can freeze. The first greens begin to break through. After the end of Lent there is a large number of couples wishing to marry and the prices for wedding agencies and restaurants increase.


May is the most pleasant of spring months for weddings. It is already warm and sunny enough outside and it is possible to hold an exit marriage registration and rent an open area for the wedding celebration. For an off-site marriage registration should be rented, installed and decorated arch, chairs for guests, buffet table, a stand for the registrar, a tent saving from the fickle spring weather.


Decorating a banquet hall in spring you can use a large number of seasonal flowers. In spring they are cheaper than non-seasonal ones. Depending on the period of spring it can be mimosa or lilies of the valley, peonies or daffodils, tulips or snowdrops, lilacs or cherry blossoms. In the design of the hall can also be used balloons, colorful ribbons, decorative cages for birds, baskets with fruit and flowers in pots.


There are no special recommendations on how to serve the table for a wedding celebration. Serving the table, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the interior of the banquet hall. You can combine porcelain dishes, glassware and ceramics, with them well harmonize colored napkins (blue, green, red), tablecloths decorated with patterns. The table looks smart when the device for each guest is placed on a separate small napkin. These mini — tablecloths can be monochrome and multicolored, different shapes (oval, rectangular, square), linen, straw. Look good on the table glasses of thick colored glass, objects made of wood, wrought iron (candlesticks, candy dishes, saltcellars, etc.).


Great art is required to make a festive menu. Food should be tasty and varied enough. With sem should be observed in moderation, as for the variety of dishes, and the amount of food. But for this you need to show a certain amount of ingenuity. Nowadays it is not in fashion to rule — the more food and drink, the better. We must try to make sure that the celebration of marriage has not turned into a mediocre party. The peculiarity of the holiday should give only the taste and imagination of the owners.


In the photo album of your family will be the first photos made on your wedding day. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good photographer, see his previous works, discuss the plan of your future photo shoot. In the beginning of spring, it is better to hold the shooting in closed rooms. For this purpose the interior of a salon, hotel, restaurant is suitable. And on the threshold of summer photo sessions against the background of a blooming garden, water body, greening park will be just great.


A holiday is not only a table, not only music, songs and dances. Holiday — it is also the coordinated work of presenters and musicians, photographers and videographers, stylists and florists, cooks and confectioners and many more specialists in the wedding industry. Ability to organize and hold a holiday — not a simple art. Therefore, preparing for the holiday, should be responsible for the choice of professionals who will make your holiday unforgettable.