Wedding is a significant event not only for the future newlyweds, but also for their family members. And everyone wants the holiday to turn out beautiful, joyful and solemn.


The organization and conduct of this event at the proper level is a very difficult task.


If you decide to hold your wedding in winter, you should remember that a wedding in winter has a number of features that need to be taken into account.


By winter already ends the «hot» period in the organization of wedding celebrations. At this time, as a rule, there are no queues in the registry office, restaurants are less busy and you can easily book any restaurant, pick up a good photographer and videographer.


On the day appointed for the marriage ceremony, the bride and groom, accompanied by relatives and friends, go to the Palace of Marriage.


The marriage becomes legal once it is registered by the civil registry office. During the marriage registration, the newlyweds are congratulated by representatives of the civil registry office, relatives and friends. The newlyweds are welcomed with a wedding kalacha on an ornamented embroidered towel. This good old custom has taken root. Bread is an amazingly accurate beautiful symbol of wealth and happiness, it is more expressive than any words.


Winter banquet is held exclusively in closed rooms.


Decorating the banquet hall and wedding table in winter you can use the theme of the new year and Christmas.


A special symbolism in the design has a Christmas wreath. He personifies the festive mood. The desire for beauty and purity. The wreath is woven from immortelle, branches of spruce, pine, laurel, decorated with spruce cones. As additional decorations use colorful balls, ribbons. Decorative candles in the original candlesticks create a special coziness. When creating decorations of this kind is very important to understand the symbolism of colors and the nature of their emotional impact. By selecting these or those colors, you can create not only a spectacular range of colors, but also an image associated with a certain feeling, mood.


In the forest you can find bright brushes of rowanberries, rosehips, elderberry sprigs. Compositions of pine branches with cones look very expressive in the interior of the hall.


The menu of the festive table in winter, cardinally different from the summer menu.


Pay special attention to hot, hearty dishes of meat, fish. These dishes will come to the taste of all guests.


Do not forget about the delicious and beautiful wedding cake. Cakes prepared for weddings look like a spectacular work of culinary art.


Beautifully served, rich table is not yet a guarantee that the holiday will go well. It is necessary to carefully consider the entertainment program of the evening. On the holiday should not be monotony, monotony, boredom.


An important part of the holiday party is dancing. Preparing, it is necessary to check the work of the sound operator or listen to the sound and repertoire of the ensemble invited to your celebration.


In advance it is necessary to decide on the places of the wedding photo shoot. If you are not afraid of severe frost, heavy snowfall or snowstorm, you can shoot in the open air and get unusually original shots. Magnificent photos can be taken in closed interiors.


To pre-wedding troubles did not turn into a burdensome duty, you need to have a certain amount of time: a pre-made program for the preparation of the evening will make things much easier. In this case, you can be sure that the holiday will be easy and fun, and that it will not be overshadowed by forgotten in a hurry little things.


When preparing a wedding, seek the help of professionals.


Wedding agencies have accumulated a wealth of experience in conducting festivities, formed interesting customs and rituals. This makes it possible to celebrate the holiday solemnly and cheerfully. Naturally, of all the wealth of accumulated traditions need to be able to choose the one that best suits your taste, your capabilities, you need to skillfully organize the holiday.